Echoes of the Silenced
The project for the National Museum of Denmark involved deep research into WW2 Nazi victims' experiences, culminating in conceptual pieces for a three-wall immersive animation film.

Creative consultation, Illustration, Concept art
Illustrations, concept-art
This project from the National Museum of Denmark was interesting to work on as it presented a intresting opportunity for me to dig deeper into a subject that I'm really interested in, namely WW2.
To fully understand the mindset, emotions and actions of the nazi victims of WW2, I immersed myself into old films, books, first hand accounts and movies depicting the worst atrocities that can be thought up my mankind and reflecting upon my own feelings.
It was very emotionally draining and taxing but we are happy with the result and we got their feelings and their story through the images. These are conceptual style pieces for a larger immersive animation film that would be projected onto three walls at the same time, hence the three frames in one scene.